Darlene Gagnon is an award-winning entrepreneur driven to share her lessons learned with fellow aspiring entrepreneurs.

  • A vital benefit to putting a well-constructed marketing plan in place: it gives your marketing team the power to say “no” to requests that have no merit. When your organization does not have a marketing plan, it’s hard to say no to the many things marketing is asked to do that don’t make sense.

  • Trends are an extremely reliable source of change. They will give you early warnings about what is correct and what is wrong with your business. If you follow trends, you will see them. 76% of consumers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations, and businesses that lead in customer experience outperform their competitors.

  • Who is the best leader, an introvert or an extrovert? There is debate about entrepreneurship’s best personality type in business circles: extroversion or introversion. Discover your authentic leadership style & protect a healthy self-concept of yourself as an introvert. I built my self-esteem as a leader using this process. Now I live and run my businesses according to what’s important to me and not others’ expectations.