Comprehensive marketing plans consider not just what marketing needs to do, but the resources to successfully execute the plan.
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Strategic Marketing Playbook Workshop
As business owners, if we’re honest with each other, we can all recite stories from our pasts about “flying by the seat of our pants” when it comes to executing the marketing function. Sometimes this works, because we have experienced (and the scars to prove it), and our instincts are pretty darn good. However, the rest of your departments can quickly get frustrated when you or your marketing team doesn’t adhere to the same disciplines that guide the rest of your business.
If you have a marketing person/team, it’s not uncommon for marketers to put forth a mighty effort to build a plan, commit it to paper, pat each other on the back when done, and then stuff it in a drawer where it gathers dust for the next 12 months. If you as the business owner are operating a marketing activity for yourself, you may not even have anything committed to paper or struggle with consistency in implementation.
We have created this session to help marketers plan like you as the boss wants them to or if you are a business owner, this is a time to step away from your business and focus ON your business’s overall marketing strategy.
Here are some things you should expect from this workshop:
It’s comprehensive. Our session outlines a complete series of steps that will help you plan your marketing effectively. If you’re expecting a fill-in-the-blank template, you will be disappointed.
It starts with the Vision. Business Owners and Marketers can’t build great plans if not made on the Vision that is driving the organization. Marketing strategies and programs that work will derive from the Vision and values of the organization. Creating a plan in a vacuum wastes effort at best and leads marketing teams or business owners in unproductive directions at worst.
It’s measurable. The cliché that you can’t manage what you can’t measure applies here. The session leads you to identify metrics that will serve as valid indicators of marketing’s contribution. Vanity metrics that show how busy marketing is will not do. They don’t fool anyone, and they lead to a loss of credibility.
It looks at resources. Comprehensive marketing plans consider not just what marketing needs to do, but the resources to successfully execute the plan. The end of the process leads you through the budget piece, where you’ll have a precise understanding of the funding required, and the business case for it.
This workshop can be designed as a break-out session for a conference. Virtual sessions can be designed with Q & A sessions. Key decision-makers of a small business encouraged to attend.
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