Does Google trust AI Content? Do You?

Google has been investing heavily in artificial intelligence in recent years. In 2016, the company announced that it was using deep learning algorithms—a type of AI—to understand user queries better and deliver more relevant results. And earlier this year, Google announced that its RankBrain algorithm—powered by machine learning—is now the third most important ranking factor in its search algorithm. This suggests that Google is increasingly interested in using AI to improve its search results.

Use AI To Boost Your Business

About the author : Darlene

Darlene Gagnon is an award-winning entrepreneur recognized by the National Association of Women Business Owners and is an Enterprising Women Inspirational Entrepreneur. She served on the board of directors for Entrepreneurs’ Organization and has mentored entrepreneurs and start-ups for over a decade. Her two companies, WeKinnect Global Branding Agency and Kinetic Promotional Product Services, have been recognized as “Best Places to Work” and “Largest Agency” by American City Business Journal. Both companies serve the US, Canadian, European, and Australian markets. Both companies are located in The Woodlands, Texas, with teams in Canada, the Philippians, and India. Her digital marketing and advertising agency services in English-speaking countries around the world.